Purdue Universities' Virtual Collaboration Laboratory Announces a Collaborative Partnership With SpotON3D
- Written by: Cat
- Category: SCIENCE
Purdue researchers Scott Homan Ph.D., Michael Beyerlein Ph.D. and Amy Caryn Warneka will work with SpotON3D's Stevan Lieberman and Tessa Kinney-Johnson to establish an online virtual reality research laboratory on the SpotON3D Web Worlds platform
Purdue's goals will be to specialize in the research, development and use of virtual simulations for educational, training and business applications. Powersynch, the parent company for SpotON3D began development of their grid systems in November of 2008. With the help of a team of dedicated programmers, web developers, modelers and grid experts, they have succeeded in creating an exciting new experience that includes answers to many of the complex problems seen with their contemporaries.
With a ten-year vision for the development of the 3D Web, SpotON3D's secure and business-centric focus caters to an augmented reality experience that embraces existing 2D web assets and real world meeting functionality, attracting a diverse pool of users from the business, academic, technology, and artisan online communities alike.
Short term goals are to provide a stable beta grid platform for early adopter businesses and organizations to use, either as a member of the SpotON3D multi-grid micro-community through the adoption of Private Label Grids. The long-term goals are to create the infrastructure to enable these professional grade grids to interconnect via the SpotON3D client and the rest of the Metaverse grids and platforms with a blend of open source and proprietary software.