Prizes to reward grid inspiration

A competition for young people to describe how grid computing can be applied to solve a 21st century problem for society has been launched by (British Computer Society) BCS and Grid Computing Now! The aim is for participants to challenge conventional thoughts about dealing with the major challenges faced by today's society. Entrants, who must be students or young professionals under 32 years of age, have to describe a problem and their approach to a solution using grid computing technologies in a written submission of up to 500 words. Example subject areas could be environmental management, energy efficiency, effective healthcare, agriculture, and transport management. Prizes will be awarded for the three best entries. The first-prize winner's bounty will include an XBox 360, being eligible for a year's free BCS membership, a six-week paid internship hosted by Intellect, and attending the Microsoft European Technology Conference held in Brussels. Adele-Louise Carter, deputy director Learned Society and External Relations, BCS, said: 'The prospects for grid computing to provide powerful solutions for social and ethical dilemmas are tremendous. Such a competition can only help to encourage the dynamic thinkers in the burgeoning UK IT profession to devise such solutions'. The closing deadline for entries is 30 June. Up to 10 shortlisted entrants will be invited to present their entries to the judges at the competition final on 28 September at the BCS offices in Southampton Street.