Parallel computing on Ranger and Longhorn workshop at Cornell

On May 16-17, 2012, members of the Cornell Center for Advanced Computing (CAC) will present a National Science Foundation-sponsored training workshop, “Parallel computing on Ranger and Longhorn” on the campus of Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.

The two-day workshop will focus on parallel computing on Ranger and Longhorn which are located at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC). Ranger, can perform 579.4 trillion operations per second (or teraflops), and is nearly 30,000 times faster than today's desktop computers. Longhorn is 256-node Dell visualization cluster designed for remote interactive visualization and data analysis. The parallel computing concepts taught in this workshop will readily transfer to other supercomputing platforms.

The workshop will be of particular interest to computational scientists interested in developing codes. Topics will include:

  • Developing parallel programming skills in OpenMP and MPI
  • Using the SGE batch system
  • Evaluating and optimizing code performance
  • Debugging code
  • Compiling and running example codes

CAC staff will be available during the training session to assist users in their code development efforts. The workshop will consist of lectures, labs, and discussions.

For detailed information on the workshop, please visit:

There is no fee to attend this workshop. To register, visit:

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