ISC’10 seeks Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions, Research Posters and Student Volunteers

ISC’10, the International Supercomputing Conference, invites the global HPC community to share their innovations, ideas and enthusiasm in the Research Poster and Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions (BoFs) as the conference celebrates its 25th year.

This year, ISC will host over 140 industrial and research exhibitors and 2,000 participants at the Congress Center Hamburg (CCH), from May 31 – June 3.

The deadline for submitting both BoFs and research poster abstracts is Sunday, March 21 and notification of acceptance will be issued on April 12. All proposals must be written in English.

The half day BoF sessions, held on Monday afternoon, May 31 and on Thursday morning, June 3 will consist of 15 parallel 40 minute sessions, providing an informal discussion forum where participants can discuss new ideas and exchange information on topics of mutual interest. Each BoF session will have a different theme and will be coordinated by one or more individuals with expertise in the topic area. For complete guidelines and a BoF submission form, go to .  

Both the BoFs and Research Poster Session will be open to all conference attendees, including exhibitors. The Research Poster Session is an excellent platform for presenting latest research results, new projects and innovations. Posters will be available for viewing on Tuesday afternoon, June 1 and during exhibition hours on Wednesday, June 2. A selected poster will also receive the ISC’10 Research Poster Award. For complete information on poster abstract and poster draft submission, go to .

Student Volunteers Sought

ISC’10 is also a perfect platform for undergraduates and graduate students with a passion for supercomputing to learn about the most important developments in the field of HPC. Student volunteers will help run the conference and in exchange, they will receive free conference registration, housing and most meals. Duties will include tasks such as providing technical support to the ISCnet Network Team and general organization, from May 27 until

June 3. Students also need to apply by March 21 and will receive their notification of acceptance on April 1. For more information, go to .