CD-adapco integrates STAR-CCM+, SPEED for motor design

The link between SPEED and STAR-CCM+ creates a total electric machine solution

CD-adapco has integrated SPEED with STAR-CCM+. SPEED is the leading electric machine design tool and STAR-CCM+ a powerful all in one tool that models heat transfer, fluid dynamics, structural stresses, electric and magnetic fields, and aero-acoustics that play important roles in many electric machine applications.

CD-adapco purchased the SPEED electric machine suite of programs in June 2011. SPEED performs a 2D magnetic design using both analytical equations and finite element analysis links (using PC-FEA, a 2D FE solver) for electric motors, generators, alternators, and other magnetic actuators.  It also combines electronic drive models with the machine's magnetic design. STAR-CCM+ takes the SPEED simulation results, converts their 2D model into a 3D model and models the machine's thermal performance under a wide range of environmental conditions. STAR-CCM+ can also be used for the electromagnetic 2D calculations as the GoFER's to PC-FEA will be available for STAR-CCM+ using the 2D magnetic FV solver.

This design process creates a total electric machine solution.  For further information about this comprehensive SPEED and STAR-CCM+ package, please contact Markus Anders at