Volvo Group Standardizes on MD Nastran

Integrated multidiscipline simulation technology delivers for Europe's leading truck producer. MSC.Software has announced that Volvo 3P, the design and development holding for the Volvo Trucks companies, will standardize their simulation processes on MSC.Software's multidiscipline solution, MD Nastran. Delivering the most comprehensive set of simulation and analysis capability available anywhere, MD Nastran, the underlying solver technology of MSC.Software's SimEnterprise solution environment, offers a true multidiscipline simulation in a fully-integrated, single data model system. Volvo 3P (Product Development, Purchasing, and Product Planning) is the common development company for the Volvo truck brands Volvo, Renault, and Mack, and as part of the overall Volvo Group, has interest in truck design quality, safety and environmental impact. Widening European markets are driving high and rapidly changing demand for heavy commercial vehicles, and the pressure for technological innovation is driving Volvo 3P to replace existing truck configurations with ultra-modern and newly competitive designs. As existing users of MSC.Software's solver technology, most notably MSC Nastran, and MSC Adams, this move will now establish MD Nastran as the standard solution at the major development sites of Goteborg, Lyon and Greensboro, and will rationalize and significantly accelerate the simulation process throughout Volvo 3P. The deployment of MD Nastran will begin immediately, with applications including linear statics, dynamics, structural optimization, NVH, and interior and exterior acoustics. Return on investment benefits are anticipated within the first 6 months. "Standardization projects at major automotive producers such as The Volvo Group are further demonstration that integrated multidiscipline simulation is now well beyond the exclusive realm of the early-adopter," said Amir Mobayen, Senior Vice President, EMEA Operations, MSC.Software. "Customers are selecting MD Nastran to harmonize their simulation environments, accelerate innovation, and to drive impressive productivity gains." The selection of MD Nastran is a significant step in the company's migration from point to integrated solutions, reducing the diversity of systems in use, while simultaneously providing a common computational analysis capability across the many different fields of structural mechanics. "We are pleased that major manufacturers are aligning themselves with MSC Software's enterprise simulation initiatives," said Bill Weyand, chief executive officer for MSC.Software. With MD Nastran and SimEnterprise, MSC.Software is driving this new way of looking at simulation which will increase productivity gains as well as drive first to market and right to market." More information regarding MSC.Software or MD Nastran, please visit: