SIGGRAPH 2005 Selects 98 Outstanding Papers
The SIGGRAPH 2005 Papers program is the premier forum for presenting the finest research in computer graphics and interactive techniques. A total of 461 submissions were received by the deadline and 98 Papers were selected for presentation at SIGGRAPH 2005. The leading contributors to this year's Papers program include: Microsoft Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Stanford University, Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs, the University of Washington, Carnegie-Mellon University, California Institute of Technology, and ETH Zurich. "The SIGGRAPH Papers program constitutes the core of all SIGGRAPH programs," stated Markus Gross, SIGGRAPH 2005 Papers Chair from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. "It continues to define excellence in research in computer graphics and interactive techniques. It has long been the finest international forum for disseminating groundbreaking, provocative, and important new work -- this year is no different. From increasingly sophisticated simulation of physics to advanced picture and video processing, this year's program provides a full spectrum of topics and cutting-edge thinking. Our selection criteria follow the highest standards, are very rigorous and only accept outstanding innovations in our field. The acceptance number clearly demonstrates the large body of excellent research in computer graphics." According to Gross, three major trends are surfacing in the research arena. The first is that graphics researchers are bringing reality into the computer. Complex lighting and shading models are becoming "data-driven" or based on samples from the real world. He concludes that this advancement, for instance, makes it possible to alter and simulate the appearance of human faces photo-realistically. Given this development, novel camera and acquisition devices have been created.
A second trend that the Papers Chair noted is the increasingly sophisticated simulation of physics. He points out that various Papers deal with simulation of the complex interaction of media, such as liquids, smoke, or gas, and solid materials. He also notes that various innovations make physics simulations interactive and real time on personal computers.
"This is very important for the development of more realistic games and will be supported by novel hardware architectures and processing units to be released by the industry very soon," stated Gross. "In particular, novel chip generations and physics processing units will accelerate computations in computer games."
He concludes that a third trend points toward advanced image and video processing. Specifically, the public will soon experience a variety of methods for panoramic stitching of videos, 3-D photo creation, and intelligent and user-friendly editing of video. According to Gross, such methods will soon become tools the public utilizes to take their home videos to an entirely new level.
A Few Highlights From the SIGGRAPH 2005 Papers Program:
Capturing reality deals with novel methods to bring reality into the
computer by acquiring complex shape and appearance information from
real world objects. This allows for unprecedented realism and novel
effects in visual simulation.
Performance Relighting and Reflectance Transformation With
Time-Multiplexed Illumination
Andreas Wenger
Andrew Gardner
Chris Tchou
Jonas Unger
Tim Hawkins
Paul Debevec
University of Southern California, Institute for Creative Technologies
SCAPE: Shape Completion and Animation of People
Dragomir Anguelov
Praveen Srinivasan
Daphne Koller
Sebastian Thrun
Jim Rodgers
Stanford University
James Davis
University of California, Santa Cruz
High-Performance Imaging Using Large Camera Arrays
Bennett Wilburn
Stanford University
Neel Joshi
University of California, San Diego
Vaibhav Vaish
Eino-Ville Talvala
Emilio Antunez
Adam Barth
Andrew Adams
Mark Horowitz
Marc Levoy
Stanford University
The following deal with physically based simulations of the complex
interaction of media, such as liquids, smoke, and solids. They permit
the simulation of novel and even more stunning visual effects and
might become tools to enhance the visual experience in second but next
generation computer games.
A Vortex Particle Method for Smoke, Water, and Explosions
Andrew Selle
Stanford University and Intel Corporation
Nick Rasmussen
Industrial Light & Magic
Ronald Fedkiw
Stanford University and Industrial Light & Magic
Discontinuous Fluids
Jeong-Mo Hong
Chang-Hun Kim
Korea University
Water Drops on Surfaces
Huamin Wang
Peter J. Mucha
Greg Turk
Georgia Institute of Technology
Meshless Deformations Based on Shape Matching
Matthias Muller
Bruno Heidelberger
NovodeX/Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule Zurich
Matthias Teschner
Universitat Freiburg
Markus Gross
Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule Zurich
This year, we experience a renaissance of ray-tracing algorithms and
architectures. Such prototypes encourage designers of graphics
hardware to rethink the way they define the graphics pipeline.
Soft Shadow Volumes for Ray Tracing
Samuli Laine
Helsinki University of Technology
Timo Aila
Helsinki University of Technology and Hybrid Graphics Ltd.
Ulf Assarsson
ARTIS, INRIA, and Illuminate Labs Ltd.
Jaakko Lehtinen
Helsinki University of Technology and Remedy Entertainment Ltd.
Tomas Akenine-Moller
Lunds universitet
RPU: A Programmable Ray Processing Unit for Realtime Ray Tracing
Sven Woop
Jorg Schmittler
Philipp Slusallek
Universitat des Saarlandes
We will see advanced methods for panoramic stitching of videos, for
making pictures three-dimensional, and for intelligent and
user-friendly editing of video. Such methods might soon become tools
people will utilize to edit their latest home videos.
TextureMontage: Seamless Texturing of Arbitrary Surfaces From Multiple
Kun Zhou
Xi Wang
Microsoft Research Asia
Yiying Tong
Mathieu Desbrun
California Institute of Technology
Baining Guo
Heung-Yeung Shum
Microsoft Research Asia
Defocus Video Matting
Morgan McGuire
Brown University
Wojciech Matusik
Hanspeter Pfister
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)
John F. Hughes
Brown University
Fredo Durand
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Automatic Photo Pop-Up
Derek Hoiem
Alexei Efros
Martial Hebert
Carnegie Mellon University
Panoramic Video Textures
Aseem Agarwala
Ke Colin Zheng
University of Washington
Chris Pal
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Maneesh Agrawala
Michael F. Cohen
Microsoft Research
Brian Curless
University of Washington
David H. Salesin
University of Washington & Microsoft Research
Richard Szeliski
Microsoft Research
Novel fundamental insights are also a facet of many of these sessions;
in particular the following contribution provides an in-depth
A Frequency Analysis of Light Transport
Fredo Durand
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Nicolas Holzschuch
Cyril Soler
Eric Chan
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Francois X. Sillion
The SIGGRAPH 2005 Papers Program opens 1 August at 8:30 am and closes 4 August at 5:30 pm. Also, a special, comprehensive preview of all the Papers is on 31 July at 6:00 pm. For complete details visit its Website.