CESGA Master's in Supercomputing Forms Professionals for Industry

  • UDC, USC and delivered jointly CESGA Master's in High Performance Computer.
  • The industry demands more and more professionals with specific training High Performance Computing.

The technniques of High Performance Computing (HPC) try to give answers to the numerous problems of Science and Engineering that require the processed of big quantities of numerical data, reducing the times of resolution and making possible the treatment of problems of main complexity. Today the President of the CESGA and General Director of R&D of the Consellería of Economy and Industry of the Xunta de Galicia, Ricardo Capilla Pueyo, the Rector of the Universidade da Coruña, José María Barja Pérez, and the Rector of the Universidade of Santiago de Compostela, Juan Casares Long, presented the Master in  High Performance Computing, the result of the collaboration between the UDC, USC and CESGA. This master is born like the answer to the increasing demand of professionals with a supercomputation profile, so much for the industry as for the investigation.  This MASTER HPC counts on the collaboration of numerous companies of the sector as HP, AMD, Gompute and Dygra Films.

It seeks to foster practices and studies in order to enhance students' approach to the problem and industrial characteristics and the use of the experience that these companies have in the subjects of study in the master.

This support is reflected in contributions as annual awards for the Best Project or Final Project programs including scholarships and collaborative research projects with companies for students with better grades. The partnership also extends to the provision of equipment teachers, provision of speakers and advice on training content, technologies, skills and competence of most interest to practitioners.
  Los representantes de las empresas  los rectores de las Universidades de Coruña y Santiago y directivos del CESGA en la presentación del MASTER HPC Interuniversitario UDC-USC-CESGA en el que colaboran numerosas empresas del sector.  de izq a dcha. : Milagros Suarez, de IBM; Jesús Cruz, de HP; Javier G. Tobío, Director del CESGA; Alberto Retama, de BULL; Cesar Garrido, de Fujitsu; Jose Maria Barja, Rector de la UDC; Ricardo Capilla, Presidente del CESGA; Juan Casares, Rector de la USC; y Ester de Nicolás de HP Iberica.

Ricardo Capilla, stated, "If we are to encourage the transfer to the production network will be necessary train professionals who can respond to the technological needs of these companies." In this connection, he highlighted the characteristics that make it different to other similar, like his character Interuniversity and growing demand in industry and research groups, specialists in supercomputing, thus ensuring practices for students. The President made ​​CESGA emphasis on this particular noting that "the industry is increasingly need for sufficient trained staff to develop and solve related problems High Performance Computing, with which more and more frequently found, and which must meet in order to be competitive. "
The HPC Master organized by CESGA, UDC and USC, has the main objective of training professionals, technologists and researchers in the field of computer architecture and high-performance computing. Academic training and research provided technology transfer, allow students to join centers or departments innovation, research and development, technology parks, industrial parks, high schools technology and / or begin the implementation of the doctoral thesis in the area of HPC.
Is open to students who recently completed his degree studies in any area science or engineering and who want to guide their careers face the world of supercomputing and professionals and researchers who wish to complement their previous training enlargement and certification of knowledge in the field of supercomputing. The Master degrees of access are preferably Computer Science, Engineering Degree Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics, and in general any other engineering or technical engineering degree or degree in any branch of science.
The Master in High Performance Computing offers 25 seats between the two universities, 13 University of Santiago de Compostela and 12 in A Coruña. The selection process is independent at each university. The curriculum consists of 13 subjects and a Master's Final Project, spread over two semesters. Students will study topics such as Distributed Computing Systems, Architecture and Technology for Supercomputers, Parallel Programming, and Optimization Techniques Parallelization and so on to complete the 13 courses spread over two semesters, which, together with Master Thesis project, provide students with comprehensive training in preparation for immediate inclusion in the labor market.
Given the inter-university Master of Computer Science, the sessions are held simultaneously through video conferencing between classrooms reserved for this purpose in each university and the Center Galicia Supercomputing.