EGI Technical Forum 2011 Highlights Innovations in Lyon

Over 18,000 researchers use the European grid to get their work done and from the 19th to the 23rd of September the European Grid Infrastructure will host its annual meeting in Lyon to showcase the technical innovations the grid has enabled.

Currently the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI) supports users from all areas of academia.  The annual Technical Forum hosted by EGI is an opportunity for these researchers to present their work and meet with the people providing the computing resources. With the technical forum co-located with other related events the week will cover a wide range of topics with input from across Europe and the rest of the world.  This meeting is a chance to see cutting edge ICT being used by researchers across Europe. It is also an opportunity to meet with the people behind one of the technologies helping support research at all levels around the globe.

The EGI Technical forum is co-located with 5 related events. They are the Open Grid Forum (19-23 Sept.), Grid 2011 (21-23 Sept.), GlobusEUROPE (19 Sept.), the French Grid Day (19 Sept.) and the 9th e-Infrastructure Concertation Meeting, (22-23 Sept.). They will run joint sessions throughout the week and include contributions from leaders in the ICT field.

More details about the Technical forum and the other events running alongside it can be found at