Logicalis Forecasts a Cloud-Filled Future for Enterprise IT

Solution Provider Offers In-Depth Resources that Make Cloud Computing Options Crystal Clear

Logicalis has made it easier to explore the cloud. To help prospective clients as they examine cloud strategies, Logicalis has developed a series of tools – expert podcasts; technology guidance on cloud security and what to put in or keep out of the cloud; a feature story providing a solid overview of cloud technology, including common service and deployment models for cloud computing; and a microsite that explores every aspect of an enterprise cloud strategy – all of which combine to provide a solid launch pad for enterprise clients considering cloud options for their organizations.

“There’s a lot of buzz about cloud computing in the industry right now, but it really comes down to defining a business’ overall data center IT strategy and developing a cloud that meets that company’s specific business needs. The end goal is to develop a computing environment that allows seamless alignment of IT and business, controls costs, and aligns business needs with the IT budget,” said Mike Martin, director of cloud computing, Logicalis.


·         Podcasts: Listen to two short podcasts entitled “Cloud Computing – A General Overview” and “The Logicalis Enterprise Cloud” here http://www.us.logicalis.com/knowledge-share/podcasts.aspx

·         Technology Guidance: Get Logicalis’ expert opinion about key cloud issues here:

-       “Logicalis IDs Top Decision Points in Cloud Security” - http://www.us.logicalis.com/it-news-and-events/news/top-decision-points-in-cloud.aspx

-       “Logicalis Gives IT Pros a Handle on Cloud Control” - http://www.us.logicalis.com/it-news-and-events/news/logicalis-gives-it-pros-a-hand.aspx

-       “Logicalis Launches Enterprise Cloud Offering Focused on Delivering a Managed Cloud Infrastructure” - http://www.us.logicalis.com/it-news-and-events/news/logicalis-launches-ec-offering.aspx

·         Feature Story: Read a feature story, “Cloud Computing: How to Make Your Own Silver Lining,” here http://www.us.logicalis.com/pdf/Cloud-Computing-Feature-Story.pdf

·         Microsite: Explore the Logicalis Enterprise Cloud dedicated microsite here:http://www.us.logicalis.com/cloud