Internet2 and Open Grid Forum announce Workshop on Science Agency Uses of Clouds and Grids

The Open Grid Forum and Internet2 has announced a new workshop titled, "Science Agency Uses of Clouds and Grids" to be held in Salt Lake City, UT on July 18, 2011. The workshop is a follow-on to the previous USDOE-sponsored workshop on High Performance Applications of Cloud and Grid Tools held in April, 2011. 
This workshop will serve as a venue to develop formal input to several ongoing standards and software roadmapping efforts, including the European SIENA Cloud Standards Roadmap project and the US National Institute of Science and Technology's Cloud Computing Business Use Cases group, as well as to OGF's own standards efforts. International contributions to this workshop are encouraged and will be accepted. 
Project status updates on cloud and grid framework software efforts and major projects are recruited to be presented at this workshop. The primary goal of this effort will be to produce a process that will effectively inventory and document essentially all large-scale use of cloud and grid infrastructures for projects that support science agency user communities. 
The schedule will consist of an introduction to the goals of the above roadmapping efforts presented by representatives from these projects and from the workshop sponsors. Materials relating to the inventory aspects of this effort are in preparation and will be distributed before the meeting. Workshop time will be taken in the morning session to present materials gathered to that point and to recruit and gather further information from workshop participants, and to go over the gathered material for completeness. 
The afternoon session will be devoted to presentations from projects that have not already presented at the previous HPACG workshop. Special presentations from the Open Science Grid on how to create a new Virtual Organization and a preview of the upcoming evolution of the Teragrid project into the eXtreme Digital era by representatives in attendance are anticipated. A special presentation on the Globus Online service and other projects of the Globus group will also be made. 
Time for other special presentations may also be available; please contact the organizers
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