Combination of Computation & 3D Visualization on Single SGI Platform
To accelerate insight into large engineering data sets by leveraging computation and visualization on a single computer platform, Silicon Graphics today announced that AVL List GmbH - Advanced Simulation Technologies has certified two widely used computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and three major Structural Dynamics software applications for Silicon Graphics Prism visualization systems. The newly certified AVL applications are respectively FIRE and SWIFT for CFD, and EXCITE, GLIDE, TYCON for Structural Dynamics Analysis. The AVL CFD applications, including the popular AVL FIRE, are used for design and testing of internal combustion engines. The AVL applications are already certified for Linux OS-based SGI Altix 64-bit computers, which run intensive computations with ease. With certification for Silicon Graphics Prism systems, engine and automotive companies can now simultaneously run engineering analysis and visualize 3D models—including entire engines—on one integrated high-performance compute (HPC) and graphics platform. R&D departments and central facilities with existing SGI Altix 3000 systems or SGI Altix 350 computational servers can be easily upgraded to include a Silicon Graphics Prism visualization module.
"By consolidating compute and visualization on the Silicon Graphics Prism platform, individuals or teams can achieve better quality of analysis and improved workflow," said Shawn Underwood, director, Visual Systems Group, SGI. "AVL FIRE suite on Silicon Graphics Prism allows customers to interactively visualize data sets of up to hundreds of gigabytes, enabling a deeper and faster exploration of design scenarios. Because the compute and visualization can occur on the same system, engineers and scientists are not slowed down by moving results files from compute servers to visualization systems, which is how it's done in many facilities today."
Silicon Graphics Prism and AVL FIRE create a world-leading solution for preparing, computing, and analyzing all engine-related CFD problems. Together AVL and Silicon Graphics Prism deliver a complete scalable compute and visualization solution for engine engineering, from the pre-processing phase (project management, model preparation and mesh movement) to the solver (fully unstructured technology for arbitrary cell types, true multiphase capabilities, comprehensive set of internal combustion-engine specific spray and combustion models) to the post-processing (multiple cuts, surface values, particle tracing and animation director).
Silicon Graphics Prism systems with AVL CFD applications can be configured to a customer's current model size and requirements. Silicon Graphics Prism systems are highly scalable so that system capabilities can be increased as requirements increase. Unlike other platforms, Silicon Graphics Prism allows the customer to scale graphics, processors, memory, and I/O independently. Based on best-of-breed industry-standard components with Linux OS, Intel Itanium 2 processors, and ATI FireGL graphics, the systems can scale to 16 graphics pipelines and 256 processors. Silicon Graphics Prism also supports stereo rendering functionality.
Silicon Graphics Prism systems with AVL applications can include OpenGL Vizserver™ for Visual Area Networking (VAN) capabilities, allowing for multidisciplinary collaboration among geographically distributed teams or shared by teams within a facility.
R&D departments and central facilities with existing SGI Altix 3000 systems can add a Silicon Graphics Prism system onto the SGI InfiniteStorage Shared Filesystem CXFS SAN or add visualization to existing Altix 350 systems. The Altix 3000 upgrade requires an upgrade to NUMAlink™ 4 infrastructure, which also adds value to the existing HPC utilization of the system.
The Advanced Simulation Technologies User Meeting is taking place in Graz, Austria, June 13-14, 2005.